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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Identity Theft

Identity theft is very bad, you can go to jail if you that. Many people seems to do that. Like for example; Melinda, she rob the bank by using someone else identity from her stolen money she can buy many cool cars and elite houses.she also have a husband her husband is a car racer.
His husband also use the stolen money to buy his new cars and other stuff. Identity theft is very dangerous its
Its too risk. This are some tips for you; if you asked by someone about you address, password and stuff like that don't give it.
Even if that person is your best friend, girlfriend/boyfriend and even your parent. Don't tell anybody about your password or address and stuff like that. If you tell anybody about your password, maybe your friend will hack your email, facebook or twitter and if that happen you
Should change your address and yout password and don't tell again just keep it secret.

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